As the Marketing & Events Director for the Black Woods Group, I have to say I LOVE MY JOB! I first started with this great company in 2009 as the Event Manager at Greysolon Ballroom by Black Woods. What a magical job! I was a part of celebrations and making memories that each guest will remember forever. Then, in 2012 my current positon was created. I was approached to start working at our offices with a focus on marketing and of course, to continually use my background in events. What a fantastic opportunity! I strive every day to grow the presence of our brands and create a connection to our guests.
Over the years I have noticed that I use the word “honored” more than I used to. Black Woods has built me both personally and professionally and I have learned so many life lessons thru the people surrounding and supporting me. I call them family. I work for a company with such high ethics, welcoming embrace and truly kind heart. Do you feel like your company has a soul? I do!
Why do I feel this way?
- Black Woods listens to their guests.
A daily task here at our offices is to review every (and I mean every!) comment card that comes from our locations. The journey of a comment card is quite intense! Every card is brought to the table by a server, it then is turned into a General Manager at the restaurant. Once reviewed by them it is brought to our office. Then, it is reviewed by our Owner, Director of Operations, Marketing Director (myself), Service Coordinator and Executive Chef. We record the information from each card to stay connected with our guests in the future. From each card that is read we absorb valuable comments and feedback. We may change a spec for a menu item because we were told it was “too spicy” or “needs more kick”. We will examine our operations and streamline the way a drink is made at the bar because it wasn’t served in a timely manner, this could mean something simple like placing the glasses in a different spot so it is faster for the bartender or a re-vamp on a cocktail recipe. The comments from our guests are listened to by so many of our key management and actions are taken to insure the Black Woods quality in food, service and beverage. You talk, our company listens whole heartedly! - Black Woods listens to their staff.
Let’s face it, what makes up the primary positions in a restaurant? Our servers, bartenders and cooks. We can’t live without them! We are most certainly an open-door company. Our doors are always open for feedback and recommendations from our staff. They always have the best ideas! For Black Woods it’s all about making every process easy and accessible to our staff. Our company has round-table discussions about various topics to hear the feedback from our staff on the front-lines in a conversation format. We ask several questions on a given topic and our staff are able to give their input. The best results come from meetings like this and our connection as a team grows every time. It’s like our hearts beat in unison in passion of what we do! - Black Woods commitment to Research & Development.
I’d be lying if I didn’t say this is one of my favorite things to do! What an inspiration and mind-opening exercise. Black Woods is always looking for ways to inspire not only our staff but our guests. We want to offer the best and most recent trends in food, beverage and guest experience. We’ve been fortunate to attend large wedding conferences in Las Vegas, The Restaurant Association Conference in downtown Chicago, IL or even simple trips to downtown Minneapolis, MN to the leading James Beard award winning eateries. With every trip there is a new idea, a spark of something that excites us to our very core. Often it’s a new menu item or cocktail but sometimes it’s the type of glassware or even a look of a venue. Being inspired by those around you connects you to your industry. We are fortunate enough to have food and drinks as ours! Black Woods insures that each employee’s passion for food and beverage continues to grow and we become the professionals.
The Black Woods Group continuously amazes me! Being a part of this team makes me feel special. I love coming to work every day and being a part of this incredible process of business ethics and warm personality. I’m honored to be considered a part of this family. I think it is very hard to say that a business has a soul, but Black Woods does. It is a soul that embraces its employees and community, its heart beats thru all of us. I know you will see this when you visit any Black Woods restaurant or location and we invite you to be a part of us!
I can’t wait to continue to tell you about the Black Woods Group throughout this blog! Check back for additional stories, company insights and behind-the-scene details. Get to know our heart & soul!