A trio of seared and blackened USDA Medallions on our housemade buttery crostinis and set on our Minnesota wild...
A 6-ounce, usda choice, center-cut filet mignon topped with a housemade crab cake and a lemon-laced champagne...
Beef tips, fire-grilled and sautéed with mushrooms and Bourbon sauce. Served with redskin mashed potatoes and topped...
A full pound of prime rib crusted with kosher salt, fresh horseradish, and olive oil. Accompanied with your...
One half of a slow-roasted rotisserie chicken plus a half-rack of our signature BBQ baby back ribs. Served with...
A oversized rack of baby back ribs, slow-cooked and basted with Jimmy’s signature BBQ sauce. Served with redskin...
An 20-ounce, USDA Choice, French-cut, bone-in ribeye, charbroiled or pan-blackened & prepared to order....
A 9-ounce, center-cut top sirloin, charbroiled to order. Accompanied with your choice of potato. Add Cremini...
a 6-ounce, hand-cut, filet paired with your choice of one of the following: three jimmy’s coconut shrimp or pasta...